Wednesday, March 28, 2007

My United States life

Being a new immigrant in United States is not easy.For example, I have been here for one year and half.My life here havn't been easy.I am in my 20's.I feel like I have to start my life all over again,because I came to a new place,new culture,and I have to learn a new language.It feel like I have to start from the beginning,going to school,trying to learn English.So that I can communicate with other people.I have to find a good job to support myself and to take care of my family.Sometimes,I wonder why I came here,because in China,I had a good paying job,I had my own house, and my own car.But I do not regret I came here,becuse if I had not some here I wouldn't have a chance to learn new things and see a new place.


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