Wednesday, April 11, 2007

Little Miss Sunshine

Olive's family is so crazy. They go on a long trip, and many things happen to them. They are happy and angry.
First of all, Olive's father and mother always have an argument about something. For example, her mother ask her husband to drive the bus to California, but her refuse. So, they argued. Second, her brother hates his family. For example, her brother doesn't like to talk to his family. When he learns he is color blind, he gets mad on the bus, and he needs to get our of the van. He starts talking, and crying out very loud,” I hate you!! I hate you!!” Finally, Olive’s family do to something amazing. As Olive performs on stage, her family doesn’t stop her, and goes to stage to support her.
Although Olive’s family is crazy, but this film is funny. I really like it.

Wednesday, March 28, 2007

My United States life

Being a new immigrant in United States is not easy.For example, I have been here for one year and half.My life here havn't been easy.I am in my 20's.I feel like I have to start my life all over again,because I came to a new place,new culture,and I have to learn a new language.It feel like I have to start from the beginning,going to school,trying to learn English.So that I can communicate with other people.I have to find a good job to support myself and to take care of my family.Sometimes,I wonder why I came here,because in China,I had a good paying job,I had my own house, and my own car.But I do not regret I came here,becuse if I had not some here I wouldn't have a chance to learn new things and see a new place.

Wednesday, March 21, 2007

Dorm Life

Dorm life was not always funny.
Before I went to laney,I was in a school which had Dorms.I stayed for four months life there was difficul.It was really bad at night,because when we went to sleep, some kids would start the fire alarm in the middle of the night and it would wake people up.We then had to evacuate the building and wait till the fire fighter came and to check the whole building before letting us back in.It would sometimes take one to two hours.Next morning everyone would look really tired and some would fall asleep in class.

Wednesday, March 7, 2007


On Thanksgiving last year,it was my first experience to do something,I never did before in my life. That night,my cousin,my brother and I wanted to buy a computer.So we went to BestBuy,around 8pm to line up,but when we got there,there was already a long line.We were not even sure if we could even get the computer we wanted.We stayed there all night and it was really cold.Luckily,we got our number and I got the computer that I wanted,but my cousin was disapointed because she didn't get her laptop.I felt very lucky,and next year I know I should go earlier.

How to get a driver's license

My right way of getting a driver's license is.First,call the driver's teacher.Make an appointment.Second,meet him up,and train about 2 hours or more.Do it for couple of time till you think your readly or the teacher thinks you readly to go take your license.Finally, go to DMV and hoping it would pass.This sounds like alot of work at first,but when you passthe test and get the license.You would think all the time and money you put it there is worth it.

Wednesday, February 21, 2007

IQ Question

There is a IQ question,let's me see who can answer this IQ question.
There is a superman and a superwoman.They were doing push ups to see who can do more.It took them 3days and 3nights,there is still no winner.They end the rest,the superman got up from the ground and there were on whole on the ground.When the superwoman got up,there were two wholes on the ground.The question is why the superwoman have two wholes and the superman have on whole on the ground?


During April,I went to Hollywood with my family.We took the traveling bus to get there.I remember that place was very big and I had a lot of fun.The most fun that I had was when I get on the trian and that trian took us all over the Hollywood.My mother was telling me how beautiful the place is.